Freeport, New York’s own Nimbus Nine is an artist who defies categorization, blending a multitude of genres into a single, electrifying experience. Inspired by...
Hailing from Saginaw, Michigan, Jimmy Flair is an artist who thrives on authenticity, experiences, and evolution. His journey in music is a testament to...
Adrian Mis-Rodriguez, known by his stage name lilJJ2027, is an emerging artist who masterfully combines emotional depth with melodic trap and introspective hip-hop. Born...
Chaos Loc, straight out of Hansen Hills, California, is not your average rapper. Influenced by legends like E-40 & B-Legit, Eazy-E, 2Pac, Bizzy Bone,...
ProfitEli, hailing from New Jersey, is a multi-faceted artist whose music crosses genres and boundaries, blending alternative hip hop, trapsoul, punk pop, hyper-pop trap,...