What’s your name ? Jared Wells “Deraj”
Where are you from? I live in Orlando FL, My hometowns are Richmond, Va and PG County Maryland.
When did you start making music? Professionally since 2013
Where can we find you mostly, in the studio or in the club? Studio
Who is your childhood hero? My Dad
What’s the best way for someone reading this to find you on social media, what’s your main platform? Instagram
Do you have anything to share with the fans, any hints on new songs or collaborations? Look out for my music in a theater near you ;).
What are some features you have? Derek Minor, Canon, YB, Konata Small
What are some features you want to get? Lecrae, Ruelle, Vo Willams
Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with? Kanye
Are you signed to a label? No
Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none? No
Who are your biggest supporters? Other independent artists and my fans.
Where did your name come from? Deraj is my birth name “Jared” spelled backwards. It’s symbolic on how God turned my life around.
Do you write your own material? Yes
Do you create your own music video concepts? Yes
What’s your favorite music to listen to? Hiphop
What are you currently working on? A new artist project for sync licensing.
What is your latest release? Made For This
When is your next release? January 2022
Are you the type to pull up alone or with a group of people? Alone.
What is one stage you want to sell-out? Amway Center
Where is one place you want to travel to perform? China
What’s the biggest crowd that you have performed for? Church conference in from of 3000 people
Follow Deraj @justderaj on instagram to stay connected!