1. How would you describe your musical style?
· I’d say my style is a blend between R&B and Hip Hop with a little bit of west coast sauce on it.
2. What is the first album you owned?
· “Whip Music” is the first album that I owned, also my first project overall.
3. How do you prepare before going up on stage?
· I tend to meditate before going up on stage, I try to get into a good headspace beforehand so that way the nerves, if any, don’t have too much of an effect.
4. If we’re going to buy you a drink, what should it be?
· Pass me a shot of 1942 Don Julio and we’ll be friends for the rest of the night.
5. What’s a song that’s been stuck in your head these days?
· “In A Minute” by Lil Baby has been in my head on repeat.
6. Who is your favorite artist?
· Lil Baby
7. Tell us about the first song you made. Was it a success or a failure?
· My first song sucked to be honest. I wrote it my first week of college, didn’t really know how to arrange or articulate my words, and didn’t have a feel for my sound what so ever. So it just sounded like a bunch of sounds over a beat. But I kept working at it and now 4 years later with a few breaks in between I finally have a feel for who I am musically and how to manipulate my process for the best outcome.
8. What is the story behind “Just Cuz”?
· “Just Cuz” is an album I put together really just because. I was at a point where I had a whole bunch of music in my phone but not too much out anywhere else. The music that ended up on the tape ended up being the songs that I would listen to on the daily, just cause, hence the title.
9. If you could pick one or the other, what would you choose, the money or the fame?
· If I had to choose, ten times out of ten, I’m taking the money. I’ll invest and grow. I don’t need fame to do that.
10. If you could go back in time or in the future, which one would you choose and why?
· I don’t know what tomorrow holds but if I could fix yesterday I just might be able to fix the present. So I’d go back in time and try make to make my dreams come true a little quicker.
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